Roots; coexisting supports of my identity, coexisting ancestry. Trunks; coexisting values. Leaves; inspiration from many others. Flowers; interacting legacies. Fruits; inherited coexisting attributes from others. Animals; interaction with the outside world. Stickers; positive statements for myself.
Thresholds is Illinois’ oldest and largest non-profit agency serving people suffering from severe and persistent mental illness and substance use. Thresholds supports individuals through community outreach and integrated health opportunities.

Tom S.
Everything Working Together
Chalk and stickers on paper
20” x 16”
Roots; coexisting supports of my identity, coexisting ancestry. Trunks; coexisting values. Leaves; inspiration from many others. Flowers; interacting legacies. Fruits; inherited coexisting attributes from others. Animals; interaction with the outside world. Stickers; positive statements for myself.
Thresholds is Illinois’ oldest and largest non-profit agency serving people suffering from severe and persistent mental illness and substance use. Thresholds supports individuals through community outreach and integrated health opportunities.