Michael Bryant 
These Days, 2020
color pencil on paper
16” x 20” 

About Michael Bryant
Michael Bryant (b. 1958, Birmingham, AL), also known as “Michael Angelo Imhotep Bryant”, is a painter and poet. His works have been published in the Journal of Ordinary Thought and he has been represented by Project Onward since 2010. Originally from Birmingham, Alabama, Bryant moved to Chicago with his parents, sister and brothers in 1968 to find more opportunities and equality.

Michael Bryant 
These Days, 2020
color pencil on paper
16” x 20” 

About Michael Bryant
Michael Bryant (b. 1958, Birmingham, AL), also known as “Michael Angelo Imhotep Bryant”, is a painter and poet. His works have been published in the Journal of Ordinary Thought and he has been represented by Project Onward since 2010. Originally from Birmingham, Alabama, Bryant moved to Chicago with his parents, sister and brothers in 1968 to find more opportunities and equality.