Patches (2023)
Oil on canvas
48” x 36”

I often get lost when I paint. The colors of the paints veil a hazy path; from that the work begins. 

There becomes a give and take, push and pull between the canvas, paint, brushes, time and me. My joy is when I am able to see, feel, carve and place where the paint wants to be. The finished piece being a moment when all elements fit like a puzzle. My aim being that I’ve created something honest; something that conveys an intuition that another may experience.

Lisa villa-Moser (b. 1973) is a mid-career American contemporary painter and artist. Since 2019 her work is focused on color and painting nature primarily inspired by flowers and landscapes in a way that seeks to depict not objective reality but rather the subjective emotions and responses that are aroused within the viewer. As a child villa-Moser received prizes in Manila and Chicago for her innate and developing talent. She was awarded a full scholarship to the Chicago Academy for the Arts High School where she studied studio arts. She was awarded scholarships from and attended SVA in NYC, SAIC in Chicago and Parsons Paris. She has been actively painting, teaching and raising a family for the last three decades. villa-Moser’s artwork has been shown in numerous solo and group exhibitions in the U.S.A, Asia and Europe. She has received artistic honors including the City of Chicago unique artist contribution award in 2002. She has donated her work for auction to several non for profit organizations including The Chicago House. Her paintings have been used as cover art for several published books. Her work is in numerous private and public collections. She currently works and lives in Chicago with her husband, 2 children and German Shepherd.

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Categories: SKU: LISA VILLA-MOSER Patches (2023)