The Sanctuary Doors Project – Home

The Sanctuary Doors Project – Home2023-02-12T16:49:16-06:00
The Sanctuary Doors Project
The Sanctuary Doors Project

Epiphany Center for the Arts is offering an opportunity to show artwork and win prize money through our Sanctuary Doors Open Call Project. Emerging artists, groups of young artists, or nonprofits interested in street art, graffiti, and murals are encouraged to apply to our biannual contest. The selected artist for each competition will then paint the winning design on Epiphany’s vintage doors (circa 1885), which are installed permanently in the historic portion of our campus.

Epiphany Center for the Arts is offering an opportunity to show artwork and win prize money through our Sanctuary Doors Open Call Project. Click Here for More Info


Through the Looking Glass

This mural is a collaboration between Thresholds art therapist Kathy Osler and three artists: Cherylle Booker, Darrin Dillard and Paul Montalbano, who participate in a weekly Open Art Studio on the west side of Chicago.

Through the Looking Glass

This mural is a collaboration between Thresholds art therapist Kathy Osler and three artists: Cherylle Booker, Darrin Dillard and Paul Montalbano, who participate in a weekly Open Art Studio on the west side of Chicago.

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